Press Center

Richardson Bay Audubon Center & Sanctuary waters closed to boats starting October 1

Annual closure from October 1 through March 31 protects important migratory bird species that use the bay during winter.

Richardson Bay Audubon Center & Sanctuary staff are reminding the local boating community that the Sanctuary waters are closed to all boat traffic and in-water activities (including kayaks & stand-up paddleboards, or SUPs) from October 1st through March 31st. The annual closure protects tens of thousands of migratory ducks, grebes, and shorebirds that use the bay for re-fueling on their southward travels, or while they over-winter right here on Richardson Bay, an ecological hotspot for birds, herring and eelgrass.

“This seasonal closure is unique in San Francisco Bay and is an important factor protecting local waterbirds,” said Kerry Wilcox, the Center’s Waterbird Program Manager. “Just one boat moving through a flock can cause the needless loss of significant energy reserves as the birds flee. Some of these species are known to be declining, and over-winter health can be a critical factor in determining reproductive success for these birds upon the return to their breeding grounds.”

The annual closure is mandated by an ordinance of the Marin County’s Richardson Bay Regional Agency.

Approximately 900 acres of bay waters are covered by the ordinance, extending south from the edge of the Cove housing complex to the tip of Strawberry Point, east to Belvedere and north to Blackie’s Pasture. Audubon manages this area as a wildlife sanctuary, focused on the waterbirds using the bay. The Sanctuary boundaries are designated by buoys and three permanent, marked pilings (black triangles on map RBACsanct.jpg, above).

No boats or watercraft--including non-motorized boats such as kayaks, canoes, paddleboards and sailboats--are allowed within the Sanctuary waters during this critical season for migratory birds. Violators may be fined by the Marin County Sheriff Department.

To celebrate the waterbirds of San Francisco Bay, the Center will be holding its 3rd Annual Waterbird Festival on February 6, 2016.  There will be field trips, speakers and exhibits, many of which will be free to the public.

About the Richardson Bay Audubon Center & Sanctuary:  The Richardson Bay Audubon Center and Sanctuary is located in Marin County. Primarily a Sanctuary providing habitat for migratory waterbirds and other wildlife, it also engages the community through conservation, restoration and education.

**Please see a 30-second PSA created by Audubon Youth Leaders here:

More information about the closure is available at our website.

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