Seabird Taxonomy

Here are the types of birds you can call seabirds and feel good about yourself. 


Here are the types of birds you can call seabirds and feel good about yourself:

Order Procellariiforme

Family Diomedeidae - Albatrosses

Family Procellariidae - Petrels, Shearwaters

Family Hydrobatidae - Storm-Petrels

Order Pelecaniformes

Suborder Phaethontes

Family Phaethontidae - Tropicbirds

Suborder Pelecani

Family Sulidae - Boobies

Family Pelecanidae - Pelicans

Family Phalacrocoracidae - Cormorants

Family Fregitae - Frigatebirds

Order Charadriiformes

Suborder Lari

Family Laridae - Gulls, Terns, Noddies, Skimmers

Suborder Alcae

Family Alcidae - Murres, Auklets, Guillemots, Puffins

Order Gaviiformes - Loons

Order Podicipediformes - Grebes

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