Western Snowy Plover

Western Snowy Plovers nest at Huntington State Beach for the first time in five decades

Western Snowy Plovers nest at Huntington State Beach for the first time in five decades

— Partnerships with California State Parks, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and volunteers from Audubon and other non-profits are instrumental in the recovery of the Western Snowy Plover
If you build it, they will come

If you build it, they will come

— Western Snowy Plovers numbers increase following restoration of Ten Mile Beach.
Snowy Plover guardians at Ormond Beach in Oxnard

Snowy Plover guardians at Ormond Beach in Oxnard

— Ventura Audubon is one of many chapters doing great things on the beach to protect Endangered Western Snowy Plover.