
If you haven't spoken out against the O.C. toll road, what's taking you so long?

If you haven't already sent an email to let the U.S. Secretary of Commerce know that you oppose the Orange County toll road extension that would obliterate prime natural habitat -- as well as a state park -- what's taking you so long? There's only a week left!

Last February, the California Coastal Commission slapped down this absurd project on the grounds that its destruction of prime South Orange County landscape would violate the Coastal Zone Management Act. But the folks who want to build the toll road have appealed that decision to the U.S. Secretary of Commerce, which is accepting written comments on the appeal through Aug. 4. As we noted earlier, there had been a public hearing scheduled for today, but that was cancelled -- so this may be your only chance to make your voice heard.

If we don't speak up on this issue, it's entirely possible that the Secretary of Commerce will grant this appeal, so get involved now.

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