Protecting the Western Snowy Plover

This site is devoted to the protection and recovery of the Western Snowy Plover, a small, rare, and threatened shorebird that makes its home on certain beaches on the Pacific coast.

We are devoted to the protection and recovery of the Western Snowy Plover, a small, rare, and threatened shorebird that makes its home on certain beaches on the Pacific coast.

Our goal is to provide a comprehensive resource for information, education and community involvement. For the public, we hope to encourage people to learn about plovers and how they can help save them and their habitat. For public agencies, organizations and landowners involved with plover recovery, we aim to promote communication and partnerships that will make recovery efforts more effective.

Browse the links:

About the Western Snowy Plover
NEW: Find volunteer opportunities on our interactive map

Snowy Plover essay
The Plover Story: a photo essay

Population status and recovery plan
Local resources
Educational resources
Watch for banded plovers
Contact us

Check out the great video created by the Morro Coast Audubon Society about how kids can help Western Snowy Plovers: 


How you can help, right now