Snowy Plover
Latin: Charadrius nivosus
Learn more about this threatened shorebird
Western Snowy Plovers on the beach. Photo: Mike Baird/
Audubon California and local Audubon chapters are devoted to the protection and recovery of the Western Snowy Plover, a small, rare, and threatened shorebird that makes its home on certain beaches on the Pacific coast.
Our goal is to provide a comprehensive resource for information, education and community involvement. For the public, we hope to encourage people to learn about plovers and how they can help save them and their habitat. For public agencies, organizations and landowners involved with plover recovery, we aim to promote communication and partnerships that will make recovery efforts more effective.
A little background about this threatened shorebird.
Support the recovery of this beloved threatened bird
You can help this threatened shorebird at a beach near you.
View the status of the species and the USFWS recovery plan for the Western Snowy Plover.
Information about beaches and Western Snowy Plovers.
Reporting sightings can help conservation efforts.
These signs were created by children who, after learning about snowy plovers, used their art and creative talents to encourage the public to "share the shore" and do their part to help protect plovers.
Youth from Morro Coast Audubon created the video below about the Western Snowy Plover.
Learn more about the Snowy Plover and other shorebirds on our beaches.
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Help secure the future for birds at risk from climate change, habitat loss and other threats. Your support will power our science, education, advocacy and on-the-ground conservation efforts.
California is a global biodiversity hotspots, with one of the greatest concentrations of living species on Earth.