California Quail
Latin: Callipepla californica
We are the voice for birds and the people who care about them.
California Quail Photo: Rick Derevan
Audubon California is the voice for birds and the people who care about them in the State Legislature and with the Governor’s Office. For decades, Audubon has been improving conditions for migratory birds on the Pacific Flyway, expanding access to nature by creating new parks and programs, and protecting essential places such as wetlands in the Klamath Basin, Central Valley, and the Salton Sea.
Audubon proudly seeks science-based, durable policy solutions that are developed in collaboration with a broad range of stakeholders that include other conservation organizations, landowners, farmers, ranchers, and community-based organizations. We work with members of both parties to promote the protection of birds, the conservation of our state’s biodiversity, and the right of all communities to live in a greener world.
California rangelands provide multiple environmental benefits and ecosystem services. In addition to food, fiber, and fuel, rangelands in California provide essential habitat for birds and wildlife in addition to climate mitigation, healthy watersheds, and thriving rural communities.
Rangelands in California are disappearing at a rapid rate. Land conversion, fragmentation, and climate-induced stresses such as fire and drought are impacting rangeland habitats putting further pressure on birds and other wildlife species. Not surprisingly, grassland-dependent bird populations are in a precipitous decline, having dropped by 50 percent over the past century.
Most California rangelands are privately-owned and the way they are managed is key in maintaining all the environmental benefits that they provide us. We can help protect enhance and increase the resilience of our rangelands by investing in rangeland conservation and management.
The program would encourage partnerships with ranchers and land managers and direct technical and financial assistance to ranchers to land implement regenerative agricultural practices like those promoted by Audubon’s Conservation Ranching initiative (ACR) such as prescribed grazing, riparian restoration, and native plant seedings that mitigate climate change, reduce wildfires, and promote biodiversity and healthy soils.
Helping ranchers take care of the land is a sound strategy to maintain and enhance the health and resilience of our rangelands.
Every day in the U.S., at least one million birds die due to building or structure collisions related to outdoor night lighting. A study found that reducing artificial night light by half can result in roughly 60% fewer bird collisions. This bill limits lighting to promote safe passage for birds so they can migrate by the stars.
Light pollution is disruptive to the naturally dark night sky and often results in a waste of electricity and unnecessary greenhouse gas emissions. Light pollution negatively affects bird migration, foraging, and breeding behaviors and makes bird conservation efforts more challenging.
The International Dark Sky Association estimates that at least 30% of all outdoor lighting in the United States alone is wasted – primarily by lights that aren't covered. That wasted light totals $3.3 billion in lost electricity costs and the release of 21 million tons of carbon dioxide per year.
In recent years, new lighting fixtures have become widely available that reduce unnecessary light pollution, save electricity, and are less harmful to people and wildlife. Audubon California is proud to co-sponsor AB38 to require all buildings owned by the State to implement measures to reduce light pollution.
The legislation requires the state to educate state agencies and the public about the problem too. It includes exemptions to protect human health, safety, and property, it will result in darker, more natural skies in many places where birds and other wildlife need it most.
Ensuring SGMA Doesn’t Leave Small Community Water Systems & Critical Wetlands High and Dry
How we empower ranchers and consumers to protect grassland birds.
Audubon science finds that two-thirds of North American birds are at risk of extinction from climate change.
389 Species on the Brink: Two-thirds of North American birds are at increasing risk of extinction from global temperature rise.
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Help secure the future for birds at risk from climate change, habitat loss and other threats. Your support will power our science, education, advocacy and on-the-ground conservation efforts.
California is a global biodiversity hotspots, with one of the greatest concentrations of living species on Earth.