Conservation Ranching

How we empower ranchers and consumers to protect grassland birds.

Western Meadowlark Photo: James Halsch

Buy Direct from our CA Certified Ranchers!

Stemple Creek Ranch
Conservation Ranching

Stemple Creek Ranch

Honesty, transparency, and quality are cornerstones of our fourth generation family ranch. We work in sync with Mother Nature, and are committed to progressive carbon farming practices that fight climate change and enhance our ecosystems.

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Morris Grassfed
Conservation Ranching

Morris Grassfed

Morris Grassfed Beef customers enjoy a boon to their health bite after succulent bite, knowing that their food choices are also good for the earth.

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Markegard Family Grass-Fed
Conservation Ranching

Markegard Family Grass-fed

We are proud to be the first ranch in California to receive the Audubon seal of approval. Our ranches promote biodiversity, sequester carbon and enhance habitat for threatened and endangered species.

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Avenales Ranch
Conservation Ranching

Avenales Ranch

Organically raised, sustainable, GAP-4 certified, grassfed and grass finished, and 27 day dry-aged. We are now proud to be Audubon Certified!

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3 Calhoun Sisters' Ranch
Conservation Ranching

3 Calhoun Sisters' Ranch

Go from consumer to conservationist when you purchase beef and bison raised on Audubon Certified bird-friendly land!

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Cline Livestock Company
Conservation Ranching

Cline Livestock Company

Cattle are grazed and grass is finished at Bobcat Ranch in Winters, CA. The ranch is certified organic and the flagship property of California Audubon Conservation Ranching (ACR) program.

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Photo: Mike Fernandez

North America's grasslands are among the most imperiled ecosystems in the world.  As a result, grassland birds have declined more than any other bird group in the continent, by as much as 80% for some species.
The vast majority of America’s grassland birds breed on private lands which is why working with ranchers is our best hope for conserving them. California has 61 million acres of rangelands that provide food production, carbon sequestration, water infiltration, and habitat for a wide range of species.
A recent study identifies California grasslands as more reliable and resilient carbon sinks than forests (Pawlok 2018). However, this historic California land use is under threat with an average of 20,000 acres a year being lost to development or crop conversion (Cameron et al2014).
Climate change, invasive species, aquifer depletion, and poor grazing practices also degrade large portions of grasslands, increasing economic and ecological vulnerability. To slow the loss of rangelands, stabilize declining populations of grassland birds and wildlife, and contribute to climate mitigation, Audubon created the Audubon Conservation Ranching Program (ACR).
For more information or to enroll in the ACR program, please contact:
Learn more about ACR with our Hooves on the Ground, Wings in the Sky video:

Audubon Conservation Ranching: Hooves on the Ground, Wings in the Sky

Benefits to Consumers

Beef from Audubon-certified land is hormone and antibiotic-free, ethically raised, and delicious. Supporting Audubon-certified ranches is better for grassland birds, better for the land, and better for you. Our certification seal can be found on high-quality meat products and empowers consumers to support ranches that benefit grassland birds and their habitat. 

Benefits to Birds

Doniga Markegard with her herd on coastal grassland near Halfmoon Bay. Photo: Doniga Markegard
To save grassland birds, we’re enlisting and assisting California’s ranchersthe stewards of our remaining grassland landscapesin implementing conservation ranching practices of thousands of acres. We’re working with them to develop Habitat Management Plans that implement regenerative grazing and other bird conservation practices, such as controlling invasive species and native plant seeding. 
By mimicking historic wild herds of grazing mammals, regenerative grazing invigorates diverse plant communities and supports nutrient cycles that rebuild soil and conserve water. It even has the potential to remove carbon from the atmosphere and add enormous amounts of carbon to soil organic matter. We measure the effectiveness of these practices by monitoring bird diversity and abundance, vegetation change, and soil health.
Benefits of regenerative grazing.

Benefits to Ranchers

Beef from Audubon-certified lands garner a premium price and provides a unique opportunity for ranchers to showcase their excellent management practices. This helps them care for their families and provides exceptional habitat for wildlife. By first listening to the ranching community, trusting in their knowledge of sustainable land management, and learning from their resiliency in a volatile marketplace, we are ensuring that our strategies and solutions will benefit both people and nature. Buying beef from Audubon-certified lands supports rural economies and the ranching way of life.

Participating Ranches in the Audubon Conservation Ranching program

Download this map of ACR-Certified and enrolled ranches. 

Our Impact

 Since 2019, the Conservation Ranching Initiative in California has: 

• Enrolled 17 different properties, as part of four ranching operations, totaling~70,000acres

• Conducted vegetation, soil, and bird surveys on participating ranches

• Outreach and education to hundreds of partners and eco-conscious consumers

• Developed technical and advisory committees with industry experts

We thank the California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) for their support.

Innovative Bill Would Promote Regenerative Ranching in California
Press Center

Innovative Bill Would Promote Regenerative Ranching in California

Audubon California-Sponsored bill encourages ranching practices that restore grasslands and sequester carbon.

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A Way Forward for California's Working Lands
Working Lands

A Way Forward for California's Working Lands

Conservation ranching techniques create habitat and sequester carbon. Under a new bill, the state would pay ranchers to implement them.

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Women in Audubon Conservation Ranching: California
Conservation Ranching

Women in Audubon Conservation Ranching: California

To celebrate Women’s History Month, we’re introducing you to the incredible women ranchers in California who are enrolled in Audubon’s Conservation Ranching Initiative. We asked questions, and they responded with fun, insightful, and birdy answers.

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The Annual Dilemma
Working Lands

The Annual Dilemma

If annual, non-native, and invasive grasses have a strategy for success, it is certainly, “the early bird gets the worm.” Our response focuses on prescribed burns and timed grazing to benefit grassland birds.

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Prescribed Burn Protects Bobcat Ranch from LNU Lightening Fires

Prescribed Burn Protects Bobcat Ranch from LNU Lightening Fires

The LNU Lightening Fires reached Bobcat Ranch, a 6,800 acre blue oak conservation property and certified Audubon Conservation Ranch. Thanks to the prevention work and prescribed fires by CAL FIRE and our staff, we successfully protected Bobcat Ranch’s infrastructure and surrounding developments.

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Bobcat Ranch
About Us

Bobcat Ranch

A 6,800-acre working cattle ranch dedicated to the conservation of blue oak woodlands, grassland birds, and the demonstration of the Audubon Conservation Ranching Initiative.

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Central Valley Working Lands
Working Lands

Central Valley Working Lands

By partnering with landowners, we can create lasting protections for birds.

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How conservation ranching is saving grassland birds

How conservation ranching is saving grassland birds

Regenerative grazing increases plant diversity and productivity with benefits for bees, butterflies and birds.

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Climate Change and Survival by Degrees
Global Warming

Climate Change and Survival by Degrees

389 Species on the Brink: Two-thirds of North American birds are at increasing risk of extinction from global temperature rise.

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Western Meadowlark

Latin:  Sturnella neglecta

Illustration for Western Meadowlark

Grasshopper Sparrow

Latin:  Ammodramus savannarum

Illustration for Grasshopper Sparrow

American Kestrel

Latin:  Falco sparverius

Illustration for American Kestrel

California Quail

Latin:  Callipepla californica

Illustration for California Quail

Loggerhead Shrike

Latin:  Lanius ludovicianus

Illustration for Loggerhead Shrike

Red-tailed Hawk

Latin:  Buteo jamaicensis

Illustration for Red-tailed Hawk

Western Kingbird

Latin:  Tyrannus verticalis

Illustration for Western Kingbird

Acorn Woodpecker

Latin:  Melanerpes formicivorus

Illustration for Acorn Woodpecker

News & Updates

Working with Ranchers to Turn Rangeland into Climate-friendly Grassland Bird Habitat
Working Lands

Working with Ranchers to Turn Rangeland into Climate-friendly Grassland Bird Habitat

Audubon California joins conservation partners at California State Capitol to host briefing for state government climate leaders

Wow! Now that's a BIG Oak Tree.
Conservation Ranching

Wow! Now that's a BIG Oak Tree.

Bobcat Ranch is home to a new State and National Champion interior live oak (Quercus wislizeni)

Audubon California-Sponsored Bill Would Promote Regenerative Ranching in California
Working Lands

Audubon Promotes Regenerative Ranching in California

— AB 720 encourages ranching practices to restore grasslands and sequester carbon.
Women in Audubon Conservation Ranching: California
Conservation Ranching

Women in Audubon Conservation Ranching: California

To celebrate Women’s History Month, we’re introducing you to the incredible women ranchers in California who are enrolled in Audubon’s Conservation Ranching Initiative. We asked questions, and they responded with fun, insightful, and birdy answers.

The Annual Dilemma
Working Lands

The Annual Dilemma

If annual, non-native, and invasive grasses have a strategy for success, it is certainly, “the early bird gets the worm.” Our response focuses on prescribed burns and timed grazing to benefit grassland birds.

A Way Forward for California's Working Lands
Working Lands

A Way Forward for California's Working Lands

Conservation ranching techniques create habitat and sequester carbon. Under a new bill, the state would pay ranchers to implement them.

Innovative Bill Would Promote Regenerative Ranching in California
Press Center

Innovative Bill Would Promote Regenerative Ranching in California

— Audubon California-Sponsored bill encourages ranching practices that restore grasslands and sequester carbon.
How conservation ranching is saving grassland birds

How conservation ranching is saving grassland birds

Regenerative grazing increases plant diversity and productivity with benefits for bees, butterflies and birds.


How you can help, right now