Here's another fun round-up of bird seen at the Audubon Starr Ranch Sanctuary in Orange County, courtesy Ornithologist Holly Garrod:
This week, while enjoying a nice morning at the cabin, I had a Red-shouldered Hawk visit the bird bath and perch less than 50 feet from me! He took a drink, we stared each other down for 30 seconds and then he was gone. While Red-shouldered Hawks can be seen flying around the ranch, it was incredible seeing one so close. Other raptors that have been active around the ranch include 3 different species of owl. Be sure to listen for the harsh screech of Barn Owls, the gentle hoots of Great Horned Owls and the trill like hoots of Western Screech Owls after dusk.This weeks bird of the week is.....
Western Bluebird (Sialia mexicana). No wonder they're the bringer of happiness, these blue gems always brighten my day. They're easily distinguished by their blue color and reddish breast. The females tend to have a more brown wash and will always have an eye ring where the males will not. These birds hang out year round on Starr Ranch and in the summer will nest in cavities or bird houses. I've seen them around the ranch perched pretty high up in the Eucalyptus trees making their 'kew' calls. Look at the photo above for an idea of an older female bluebird (photo taken by me during last weeks MoSI banding effort).
Here are the birds seen and heard on Starr Ranch this week:
1. Turkey Vulture
2. Cooper's Hawk
3. Red-shouldered Hawk
4. Red-tailed Hawk
5. Northern Harrier
6. Band-tailed Pigeon
7. Mourning Dove
8. Great Horned Owl
9. Barn Owl
10. Western Screech Owl
11. Anna's Hummingbird
12. Acorn Woodpecker
13. Red-breasted Sapsucker
14. Nuttall's Woodpecker
15. Northern Flicker
16. American Kestrel
17. Black Phoebe
18. Say's Phoebe
19. Cassin's Kingbird
20. Hutton's Vireo
21. Western Scrub Jay
22. Common Raven
23. American Crow
24. Oak Titmouse
25. House Wren
26. Bewick's Wren
27. Ruby-crowned Kinglet
28. Cactus Wren
29. Wrentit
30. Hermit Thrush
31. Western Bluebird
32. American Robin
33. California Thrasher
34. Northern Mockingbird
35. European Starling
36. Phainopepla
37. Cedar Waxwing
38. Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon's subspecies)
39. Common Yellowthroat
40. Spotted Towhee
41. California Towhee
42. Golden-crowned Sparrow
43. White-crowned Sparrow
44. Fox sparrow
45. Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon subspecies)
46. Scott's Oriole
47. Purple Finch
48. House Finch
49. Lesser Goldfinch
50. Pine Siskin
By Garrison Frost
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