
Saving birds and their habitats is at the core of what we do

Black-necked Stilts are one of the many shorebirds that need our help. Photo: Jerry Ting

Because of the importance of California to birds, Audubon has had a strong presence here for more than 100 years – represented by the National Audubon Society, local chapters, and many thousands of members and supporters. Audubon California, acting as a field program of the National Audubon Society since 1996, has a long list of accomplishments on behalf of birds and nature. Recent examples include legislation to remove toxic lead from ammunition, an agreement to safeguard habitat for birds at Owens Lake, establishment of protected areas for marine birds along the coast, and an introduction to nature for thousands of children at our centers and sanctuaries.

All of our victories for are made possible by the unique way that Audubon California works. Building from our origins as a grassroots movement powered by peoples’ love of birds, our organization works on the local, state, and national levels, seeking out partnerships with chapters, government agencies, and other nonprofit organizations. We have a reputation for building sensible, non-partisan solutions to conservation challenges. If conservation is a journey, we invite people to join us on that journey, and to share in our success. Explore this section and learn about the different ways in which we work.

Central Valley Working Lands
Working Lands

Central Valley Working Lands

By partnering with landowners, we can create lasting protections for birds.

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Seas & Shores


Seabirds and shorebirds need our help.

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Conservation Ranching
Conservation Ranching

Conservation Ranching

How we empower ranchers and consumers to protect grassland birds.

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Chuckwalla National Monument
Public Lands

Chuckwalla National Monument

Protecting California's stunning desert landscapes

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Securing a home for birds at the Salton Sea
Salton Sea

Securing a home for birds at the Salton Sea

Audubon California is helping shape the future of the Salton Sea, California’s largest lake and a key stopover for millions of birds each year.

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Centers & Sanctuaries
Centers and Sanctuaries

Centers & Sanctuaries

We can do a world of good by helping birds thrive where we live

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Saving Important Bird Areas (IBAs)
Important Bird Areas

Saving Important Bird Areas (IBAs)

With its dramatic coastlines, lush forests, blooming valleys, and vivid deserts, California's spectacular natural landscapes host the one of the largest, most diverse concentration of birds in the United States.

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Climate Change and Survival by Degrees
Global Warming

Climate Change and Survival by Degrees

389 Species on the Brink: Two-thirds of North American birds are at increasing risk of extinction from global temperature rise.

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Bird-friendly Communities
Bird-Friendly Communities

Bird-friendly Communities

Audubon is committed to transforming our communities into places where birds flourish.

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How you can help, right now