Construction wrapped up last week on our massive tidal marsh enhancement project at Sonoma Creek. Several years in the making, this ambitious project is not only breathing life into a dormant, disfunctional marsh, but it's also going to provide San Francisco Bay with a little more protection from sea-level rise due to climat change. Oh, and the birds are already loving their new home.
Andrea Jones, Audubon California's director of bird conservation, shot this video of the new channel we dug into the marsh that will allow water to flow in and out, creating the circulation that the habitat needs to thrive.
Sonoma Creek's new channel in action.
Lots of folks helped make this project happen, but here's a photo of the Audubon California restoration team.

Although the digging part of the project is done, there's still more to do, not the least of which is monitoring the natural development of the tidal marsh and tracking how birds and other wildlife make use of this terrific new landscape. Early word is that the birds are all over it already. We'll have more details about the project in the next day or so.