The Los Angeles Times' Steve Lopez is really enjoying this whole controversy with the California Coastal Commission. Today, he wonders aloud whether Gov. Brown has noticed anything fishy with his appointed body:
"For months, I’ve been hearing the same question over and over from readers following the ongoing festival of the absurd at the California Coastal Commission. Where in the name of the father, son and holy coast is Gov. Jerry Brown, and why doesn’t he say or do something?
Good question.
Brown’s Coastal Commission is thrashing about, and lawmakers have rushed to the rescue with several reform bills.
But the governor is quieter than a California field mouse."
For its part, Audubon California continues to support a number of bills aimed at reforming the Coastal Commission. Among these are Assembly Bill 2002, which requires lobbyists to adhere to the same regulations as they would when lobbying other public entities; Senate Bill 1190, which would ban all ex parte communication between commissioners and people with business before the Commission; and Assembly Bill 2616, which would add three new seats to the Commission representing communities disproportionately suffering from pollution and other issues of environmental justice.
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