Now more than ever, it is critical for community members to voice their concerns and hopes for the Salton Sea. We must keep the pressure on the state to build critical momentum towards planning and completing projects to control hazardous, wind-blown dust and restore habitat for the millions of birds that rely on the Sea during their migrations.
The coming months will bring a number of opportunities for those who care about the future of the Sea and its neighbors to make themselves heard; the first series of meetings begins August 31, as CNRA kicks off discussions to develop a plan, due in 2022, for the long-term health of the Sea and the communities that surround it.
Upcoming meetings
Please attend these and other public meetings to show that you and others care about what happens at the Salton Sea. By attending, you show that you’re holding the state to fulfill its commitments, build transparency, and increase accountability.
Community Planning Meetings (virtual)
WHEN: Aug. 31, 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Sep. 2, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
(An additional public meeting is expected to be scheduled in November)
WHERE: Zoom Link: https://ca-water-gov.zoom.us/j/86357786266
Teleconference Number: 888-278-0296 | Access Code: 596019
Facebook Live in Spanish: Salton Sea COEE
The California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) Salton Sea Management Program is hosting two virtual community meetings August 31 and September 2 to share updates and hear from residents and others who care about the future of the Salton Sea. You can participate via Zoom or Facebook Live from a computer, or by calling over the telephone. Afternoon and evening meetings are scheduled to allow more attendees, but the meetings will be identical, so attending both is unnecessary. Spanish interpretation services will be provided.
The meetings provide an opportunity to share experiences, meet new members of the SSMP team, hear from experts about the process to study proposals to import water to the Salton Sea and learn more about the long-range planning process the state is launching this summer.
For more information, visit www.saltonsea.ca.gov or email cnra-saltonsea@resources.ca.gov.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review of SSMP 10-year plan
WHEN: TBD, likely October
The SSMP’s 10-Year Plan is subject to review and permitting by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as part of the National Environmental Policy Act. The Corps is expected to release its draft environmental assessment in late September, followed by a 30-day public comment period – including public meetings – in October.
Water Importation Independent Review Panel
WHEN: TBD, likely November
The SSMP established the Water Importation Independent Review Panel in 2018 to examine proposals for the long-term importation of water to restore the Salton Sea. The panel issued a call for proposals over the summer and is expected to hold a public meeting in mid-November.