
Latest News and Updates from Audubon in California

California Condor. Photo: Scott Frier/USFWS

Top 10 Birds in California
Bird Sits

Top 10 Birds in California

Up to a billion birds of hundreds of species will pass through the Golden State during spring migration. Can you spot these top 10 birds?

What's on the Menu?
Salton Sea

What's on the Menu?

Matching and coloring sheet featuring birds at the Salton Sea

Spring Migration in California

Local List: Spring Migration in California

Keep an eye out for these birds in your area

Impressions of the Sea
Salton Sea

Impressions of the Sea

Audubon Salton Sea sits down with Raymond Sessley, lifelong Auduboner and Audubon's Campus Chapter Program Associate

Impresiones del Mar
Salton Sea

Impresiones del Mar

Audubon Salton Sea se sienta con Raymond Sessley, miembro de Audubon de toda la vida y Asociado del Programa del Capítulo del Campus de Audubon

Se necesita un pueblo: Razia Shafique-Sabir
Salton Sea

Se necesita un pueblo: Razia Shafique Sabir del Refugio de Vida Silvestre Sonny Bono

Nos sentamos con Razia Shafique-Sabir, bióloga del Refugio de Vida Silvestre Sonny Bono para hablar sobre su experiencia de trabajo en áreas naturales protegidas en todo el país.

It Takes a Village: Razia Shafique-Sabir
Salton Sea

It takes a village: Razia Shafique Sabir from the Sonny Bono Wildlife Refuge

We sit down with Razia Shafique-Sabir, biologist at the Sonny Bono Wildlife Refuge to talk about her experience working in natural protected areas around the country.

Gov. Newsom, 2020 must be a year of action at the Salton Sea
Salton Sea

Gov. Newsom, 2020 must be a year of action at the Salton Sea

One year into his term, the Salton Sea continues to recede unabated, dust plumes rise, and birds disappear.

Administration Doubles Down on Bird-Killer Policy

Administration Doubles Down on Bird-Killer Policy

— California officials lead state-based fight to preserve 100-year-old bipartisan conservation law
Congress Responds to Climate Change Impact on Seabirds and Fisheries

Congress Responds to Climate Change Impact on Seabirds and Fisheries

Studies show dramatic impacts from climate change on birds and fisheries on our California coast while Congress prepares to take action.

How you can help, right now