
Latest News and Updates from Audubon in California

California Condor. Photo: Scott Frier/USFWS

Sandhill Cranes at Staten Island - January 2019

Audubon California's Janine Kraus recently captures this great video of Sandhill Cranes coming in for the evening at Staten Island in the California Delta.

Wanted: Short-eared Owl Surveyors

Wanted: Short-eared Owl Surveyors

Do you love owls? If Short-eared Owls are in your region, consider volunteering for this survey.

Farmers and landowners learn about creating habitat and improving soil health
Working Lands

Farmers and landowners learn about creating habitat and improving soil health

Event explores ways to support bird habitat on farms.

Legislature's first big environmental proposal of 2019 targets potential federal rollbacks

Legislature's first big environmental proposal of 2019 targets potential federal rollbacks

Senate Bill 1 would enshrine federal clean water, environmental protection, and endangered species laws in state legislation

Legislation introduced to block new offshore oil drilling

Legislation introduced to block new offshore oil drilling

California lawmakers among those introducing a flurry of bills

2018 Farm Bill includes funding for Salton Sea

The Desert Sun highlights how the 2018 Farm Bill allows for federal funding for Salton Sea restoration.

Mike Lynes talks about a big victory for California's migratory birds

Audubon California Public Policy Director Mike Lynes breaks down a recent big win for California's migratory birds. More information about this issue can be found here. (NOTE: our apologies for a slight buzz in the audio due to a problem with our microphone.)

Study looking at potential risks to birds from offshore wind project

An interesting new study is analyzing potential risks to birds and other wildlife resulting from offshore wind projects off the California Central Coast.

Surveying birds at the Salton Sea
Salton Sea

Surveying birds at the Salton Sea

We were at the Sea this week participating in a sea-wide survey of birds

Latest survey results from the Salton Sea
Salton Sea

Latest survey results from the Salton Sea

November counts at fourteen sites show changes in bird populations.

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