
Latest News and Updates from Audubon in California

California Condor. Photo: Scott Frier/USFWS

CA’s Revised Budget Highlights Critical Need for a Climate Bond

CA’s Revised Budget Highlights Critical Need for a Climate Bond

Governor Newsom's May Revise proposed budget wrestles with cuts in important climate and conservation programs

Effort to Proclaim Chuckwalla National Monument Accelerates with Announcement of Bicameral Legislation
Press Center

There's Momentum in DC to Designate the Chuckwalla National Monument!

— Audubon and broad coalition of Tribal, community and conservation organizations call for protection of more than 620,000 acres of California desert
Join us in Celebrating Women in Conservation at Audubon California!

Join us in Celebrating Women in Conservation at Audubon California!

Meet some of our passionate team members.

Learning to Fly-In

Learning to Fly-In

Advocating on behalf of birds in Washington, D.C.

A California Wetland Program’s Flood of New Funding Lifts Hopes for Shorebirds
Working Lands

A California Wetland Program’s Flood of New Funding Lifts Hopes for Shorebirds

With many species rapidly declining along the Pacific Flyway, conservationists and landowners in the Central Valley are creating temporary wetlands where birds need them most.

Building Anew Along the Shores of San Diego County
Coastal Resiliency

Building Anew Along the Shores of San Diego County

Local chapters, universities, Indigenous groups, and Audubon California collaborate to revitalize a shoreline that has long been left to the depredations of industrial action.

New Model Maps a Resilient SF Bay Future Through Climate-Smart Seagrass Restoration
Press Center

New Model Maps a Resilient SF Bay Future Through Climate-Smart Seagrass Restoration

— New eelgrass habitat model to supercharge conservation efforts to prevent acidification, erosion, and other climate change impacts in major CA bays
Colombia's Ecological Wonders: A Working Lands Exploration
Working Lands

Colombia's Ecological Wonders: A Working Lands Exploration

Colombia's Ecological Wonders: A Working Lands Exploration

Effects of Extreme High Surf Events on Coastal Community Science
Coastal Resiliency

Effects of Extreme High Surf Events on Coastal Community Science

Postponement of Ventura's Christmas Bird Count

How you can help, right now