
Latest News and Updates from Audubon in California

California Condor. Photo: Scott Frier/USFWS

Solomon Fingold leaves generous bequest to Audubon California

Solomon Fingold leaves generous bequest to Audubon California

Fingold was a charismatic self-made businessman and a passionate supporter of environmental and social causes.

Audubon California raises concerns about new proposed oyster farming project in Humboldt Bay
Humboldt Bay

Audubon California raises concerns about new proposed oyster farming project in Humboldt Bay

— Conservation organization warns against potential damage to vital eelgrass and mudflat habitat.
Legislation introduced to further protect state’s migratory birds

Legislation introduced to further protect state’s migratory birds

— Assembly Bill 454 will eliminate a key loophole in state law that could imperil a wide variety of treasured bird species.

Audubon meets with Congressional office. A group of representatives from Audubon California and Central Valley chapters met today with staff from the office of newly-elected House Member T.J. Cox.  Pictured are Kevin Fahey (Kern Audubon), Mary Merriman (Tulare County Audubon), Brooke Stutz (Kern Audubon), Joseph Lopez (representing office of T.J. Cox, Joan Parker (Tulare County Audubon) and Ariana Rickard (Audubon California).

Visiting the Salton Sea
Salton Sea

Visiting the Salton Sea

A group of Auduboners visited the west side of the Salton Sea this week. Some pictures.

Expressing a passion for birds through art

Expressing a passion for birds through art

Audubon California supporter Mark Cappellano is sharing his drawings of birds with the world.

Continuing the fight to save vital bird habitat in Humboldt Bay
Humboldt Bay

Continuing the fight to save vital bird habitat in Humboldt Bay

New oyster farming proposal will threaten vital habitat in the bay.

Rapid decline of fish at the Salton Sea prompts dramatic changes among birds

Article in the Desert Sun notes how the rapid decline in fish at the Salton Sea has prompted the near disappearance of fish-eating birds, such as White Pelicans. The state's new director of natural resources, Wade Crowfoot, acknowledges the crisis and vows to take action: "This is a top priority for the Resources Agency."

Stop calling the Salton Sea an accident
Salton Sea

Stop calling the Salton Sea an accident

It doesn't help solve the ongoing problems in the region, and it's also not true.

How you can help, right now