
Latest News and Updates from Audubon in California

California Condor. Photo: Scott Frier/USFWS

What's happening to San Francisco Bay's Surf Scoters and other waterbirds?

Surf Scoters in flight. Photo: Andrew Reding

Interesting article looks at recent study attempting to identify why Surf Scoters and other waterbirds in San Francisco Bay are dwinding?

Creating a better future at the Salton Sea

Audubon Calfornia's Frank Ruiz talks about the need for the everyone to pull together to avert an ecological crisis at the Salton Sea -- to protect people and birds at the Salton Sea. Thanks to the Walton Family Foundation for putting this video together. Learn more about our work at the Salton Sea.

The ever-changing birds at the Salton Sea
Salton Sea

The ever-changing birds at the Salton Sea

While fish-eating birds have nearly disappeared, suddenly waterfowl are appearing in numbers.

Press Center

Audubon California mourns the passing Nancy McFadden

— As top advisor to Gov. Jerry Brown, McFadden helped chart California's recent political renaissance.

Richardson Bay Audubon Youth Leaders win first prize with conservation story

Telling the story of how a community and Audubon came together to save a precious corner of San Francisco Bay six decades ago, Catalina Lane and Annika Jackson recently won first prize at the IOFF International Student Film Competition with their video, "1958." The two are participants in the Audubon Youth Leader program at the Richardson Bay Audubon Center & Sanctuary.

Check out the terrific video here.

Administration should leave landmark desert conservation agreement alone
Wildlife-friendly Renewable Energy

Administration should leave landmark desert conservation agreement alone

Conservationists want the government to implement the Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan, not undermine it

The decline of a key habitat site at the Salton Sea
Salton Sea

The decline of a key habitat site at the Salton Sea

Nothing illustrates the decline of birds habitat at the Salton Sea more clearly than the story of Mullet Island.

State needs to step up work at the Salton Sea

The California Water Resources Control Board yesterday heard a presentation from state officials on their progress toward meeting their goals for habitat restoration and dust control at the Salton Sea. According to an agreement completed late last year, the state must complete work on 500 acres by the end of the year, but there is little indication that it will reach even that modest goal.

Micheal Lynes, Audubon California's policy director, had this to say after the hearing:

"The deterioration of the Salton Sea continues, and the rate of progress on the Salton Sea Management Program (SSMP) is not keeping up with the rapidly changing conditions. We encourage the State Water Resources Control board to work closely with state officials to ensure that upcoming deadlines are met– including constructing 500 acres’ worth of projects at the sea by the end of 2018.”

Michael Cohen, senior associate at the Pacific Institute, added:

"While the state has taken some steps towards implementing the Salton Sea Management Program, the rate of the progress is not nearly enough to keep up with the sea's decline. It is imperative that the State Water Resources Control Board hold the state to its commitment to build habitat and dust control projects at the Salton Sea, this year.”

Two important public hearings coming up on desert conservation plan

Two important public hearings coming up on desert conservation plan

If you're in Bakersfield or Palm Desert in the next couple of days, we could use your voice in defense of desert conservation.

How you can help, right now