
Latest News and Updates from Audubon in California

California Condor. Photo: Scott Frier/USFWS

National Geographic visits the Audubon Starr Ranch Sanctuary. Fun day at Starr Ranch recently, as a crew of National Geographic came out to film our bird banders, who are contributing feathers to the Bird Genoscape Project at UCLA. Filming started at dawn.

Using wetlands to fight sea-level rise in Southern California

With sea levels expected to rise by two feet in the coming decades in Southern California, planners have devised a strategy to use wetlands and marshes to combat it.

Eelgrass, Herring, and Waterbirds in San Francisco Bay: Threats and Opportunities
San Francisco Bay

Eelgrass, Herring, and Waterbirds in San Francisco Bay: Threats and Opportunities

A new white paper looks at this invaluable habitat ecosystem in San Francisco Bay

Tangled web of issues complicates effort to protect Richardson Bay's eelgrass

Tangled web of issues complicates effort to protect Richardson Bay's eelgrass

Illegal anchorages are destroying Richardson Bay's eelgrass. Seems like a simple issue, right? Wrong.

We're quickly running out of time to address climate change

New UN report includes dire warnings and timelines about climate change.

Mayor of Sacramento issues Migratory Bird proclamation

Mayor of Sacramento issues Migratory Bird proclamation

Darrell Steinberg declared 2018 as the Year of the Bird

Audubon California endorses Prop. 3

Audubon California endorses Prop. 3

— Measure on November ballot will have multiple benefits to clean drinking water and conservation priorities.

Register now for the 2018 Audubon California Assembly

We're going to Long Beach for this year's Audubon California Assembly. Lots of great sessions and birding opportunities. Please visit the Assembly webpage to learn more and take advantage of early registration discounts.

New HSU study shows Humboldt Bay far more important to shorebirds than previously thought
Humboldt Bay

New HSU study shows Humboldt Bay far more important to shorebirds than previously thought

— Audubon California echoes the need to preserve area's critical habitat

Terrific restoration project launched by Buena Vista Audubon

Terrific story about a wonderful restoration project being launched by Buena Vista Audubon Socity to restore more than 30 acres of habitat in Oceanside. This is going to help birds such as Cactus Wren, endangered Coastal California Gnatcatchers, and many more.

How you can help, right now