
Latest News and Updates from Audubon in California

California Condor. Photo: Scott Frier/USFWS

There's more going on at a crow funeral than you might think

People have long been fascinated at how crows will gather around a dead colleague. Now researchers have begun to figure out exactly what's going on at these "crow funerals," and it's fascinating. Apparently, the birds are trying to learn what killed the bird and how to avoid falling victim to the same fate.

Governor signs bill and takes other actions to protect the Salton Sea

Gov. Jerry Brown Friday signed an important bill (Assembly Bill 1095) that will help accellerate projects to benefit the Salton Sea, and also took a number of executive actions aimed to protect Salton Sea habitat and neighboring communities. The Salton Sea is one of the most important places for birds in California and the Pacific Flyway. As the waters of the Salton Sea recede due to drought and reduced water allocations, bird habitat is becoming increasingly affected. Dust left behind is also creating a massive public health hazard for the Imperial Valley.

Audubon Youth Leaders spread the word about protecting birds in San Francisco Bay

Every year, we close off our Richardson Bay sanctuary (part of the larger San Francisco Bay) to boat traffic to protect the tens of thousands of waterbirds that rely on these waters over the winter. This year, Audubon Youth Leaders created a cool PSA to spread the word about the need to protect the bay.

Signing of Assembly Bill 1482 marks a historic step toward  preparing California for the challenges of a changed climate
Press Center

Signing of Assembly Bill 1482 marks a historic step toward preparing California for the challenges of a changed climate

— Bill calls for a coordinated adaptation response from state agencies to the changes brought about by global warming.
Governor’s signature on wildlife corridors protection bill secures vital safeguards for California birds
Press Center

Governor’s signature on wildlife corridors protection bill secures vital safeguards for California birds

— Assembly Bill 498 will help California preserve its most important habitat areas

Dairy farmer organization produces video highlighting efforts to save the Tricolored Blackbird

Check out this cool video from Dairy Cares, highlighting the efforts of Central Valley dairy farmers to save the rare Tricolored Blackbird. The video also features Audubon California's Samantha Arthur, who leads our Tricolored Blackbird conservation efforts.

Author/advocate Carl Safina visits the Audubon Starr Ranch Sanctuary. Author and advocate Carl Safina, center, has written elegantly about the health of our oceans and the wildlife that many of us take for granted. He is also a good friend to Pete and Sandy DeSimone, who manage and run science/education programs at the Audubon Starr Ranch. he recently paid the sanctuary a visit.

Audubon California at the Griffith Park signing ceremony for Senate Bill 350. Audubon California's Sarah Miggins attended the signing ceremony for Senate Bill 350 at Griffith Park in Los Angeles this morning. Audubon California hails the legislation as a great step forward to cleaning California's air and creating healthier community and environments for birds. A big win!

Santa Barbara Audubon radio program

Santa Barbara Audubon radio program

Listen live today to board members of the Santa Barbara Audubon Society.

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