
Latest News and Updates from Audubon in California

California Condor. Photo: Scott Frier/USFWS

Developers continue spurious attacks on Coastal California Gnatcatcher and Endangered Species Act

Developers continue spurious attacks on Coastal California Gnatcatcher and Endangered Species Act

— Science behind group’s latest delisting petition was proven baseless, but now they’re hoping Trump Administration will bend the rules for them.

10 years after Cosco Busan, restored habitat on Aramburu Island

Check out this coverage of our restoration work after the Cosco Busan Oil spill on Aramburu Island from KTVU 2 NewsThe anniversary of San Francisco Bay’s worst oil spill comes as the Trump Administration pushes for increased oil drilling off the California coast.  Andrea Jones, Audubon California Director of Bird Conservation, talks about the impact of the Cosco Busan spill, the Aramburu Island restoration, and the birds who depend on the the island and bay. 

Watch the full video
Oil kills birds. Read our press release on the 10 year anniversary of the Cosco Busan Oil Spill
Learn more about Arambaru Island

Listening and learning with Assemblymember Tim Grayson

Listening and learning with Assemblymember Tim Grayson

The Legislative Committee of Mt. Diablo Audubon Society met with Assemblymember Tim Grayson to discuss conservation in California's District 14.

10-year anniversary of San Francisco Bay’s Cosco Busan oil spill a cautionary tale amid push for more oil drilling
Press Center

10-year anniversary of San Francisco Bay’s Cosco Busan oil spill a cautionary tale amid push for more oil drilling

— Thousands of birds died and shorelines were blackened after 53,000 gallons of oil spilled following Nov. 7, 2007 accident
25th anniversary of water reform law provides perspective on progress and challenges

25th anniversary of water reform law provides perspective on progress and challenges

The Central Valley Project Improvement Act has played a major role in preserving habitat. It would do even better if fully implemented.

San Francisco quail population barely hanging on

Sad story this week about the last remaining California Quail in San Francisco. Probable reason: cats.

Condors reach another huge recovery milestone

This is great news for the California Condor. For the first time in decades, two wild-born California Condors have hatched a wild-born chick.

U.S. Department of Commerce needs to come clean about national marine sanctuaries
Press Center

U.S. Department of Commerce needs to come clean about national marine sanctuaries

— Yesterday was the deadline for its study about reducing size or relaxing restrictions on our pristine water habitat.
Commerce Department's recommendations on marine sanctuaries under wraps, for now

Commerce Department's recommendations on marine sanctuaries under wraps, for now

Today is the deadline for the Commerce Department to release its recommendations for shrinking or loosening restrictions on oil drill and mining in these valued natural areas.

Marcos Trinidad honored with environmental education award

Marcos Trinidad honored with environmental education award

Congratulations to Marcos Trinidad, Director of the Audubon Center at Debs Park honored with the Rosa Parks and Grace Lee Boggs award by the North American Environmental Education Association

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