
Latest News and Updates from Audubon in California

California Condor. Photo: Scott Frier/USFWS

Andrea Jones gives an update on the Salton Sea

This is going to be a make-or-break year for the Salton Sea, as state officials attempt to figure out how to deal with the effects of wtaer diversions expected to kick in beginning in 2018. This is expected to have major implications not only for bird habitat, but for the hundreds of thousands of people who live in the area. Andrea Jones recently visited the Salton Sea to talk about the current situation, and what Audubon California is doing to help. Learn more about our work at the Salton Sea.

A bold move on lead ammo, for now.

A bold move on lead ammo, for now.

A Jan. 19 directive to phase out the use of lead ammunition on federal wildlife areas is certain to be controversial. It shouldn't be.

Christmas at the Salton Sea
Salton Sea

Christmas at the Salton Sea

Doing a Christmas Bird Count at the Salton Sea reveals a great deal about changes at California largest inland lake.

Congress has plans in motion to gut the Endangered Species Act

Congress is making moves to gut the Endangered Species Act.

News coverage of annual Waterbird Festival at Richardson Bay Audubon Center & Sanctuary

Great coverage in the Marin IJ of the Saturday's annual Waterbird Festival at the Richardson Bay Audubon Center & Sanctuary.

Outgoing administration calls for phasing out of lead ammo/tackle on federal wildlife areas

Golden Eagle in flight. Photo: USFWS/Tom Koerner

In the midst of the transition from one administration to another, the outgoing leadership of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service issued a significant directive that could have profound benefits for birds and other wildlife. In a Jan. 19 direction, the Service called for the phasing out of the use of lead ammunition and lead fish tackle on all Service lands by January of 2022. While this policy direction could be reversed by the new administration, for the time being it is the policy of the federal government. Audubon California partnered with several other groups in 2013 to pass legislation calling for the use of nonlead ammunition for hunting in California. Lead ammunition has been linked to poisoned birds and mammals by the scientific community.

Next step in CA Condor recovery could be on the north coast

Photo: USFWS

It has been a long haul, but it looks like the effort led by the Yurok Tribe to reintroduce the California Condor to its historical range on California's north coast is gaining steam. This week, federal agencies annouced a series of public hearings to take testimony on their plan to introduce condors to Redwood National Park.

Humboldt Bay Harbor District fails to approve environmental review for oyster farming expansion

In something of a surprise, the Humboldt Bay Harbor District last night failed to come up with the three votes necessary to approve an expansion of oyster farming in the bay. Audubon California has opposed this project because it will destroy eelgrass beds that provide critical habitat for all kinds of migratory birds. We're fairly certain they'll come back for another attempt -- and we'll be ready.

Wildlife conservationists cheer Gov. Brown’s call for sustainable funding
Press Center

Wildlife conservationists cheer Gov. Brown’s call for sustainable funding

— 2017-18 budget proposal highlights importance of finding a solution for a “state with more biodiversity than any other”

Rains helping Mono Lake right when it needs it the most

Mono Lake is an important place for birds, and it has been teetering lately as a result of declining water levels. That's changing with these recent rains, notes the Los Angeles Times.

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