
Latest News and Updates from Audubon in California

California Condor. Photo: Scott Frier/USFWS

Songs for Survival
Global Warming

Songs for Survival

Zebra Finch use song to teach their young how to survive climate change... before the babies even hatch.

Victory for the Northern Spotted Owl

Victory for the Northern Spotted Owl

California Fish and Game Commission votes in favor of state endangered species listing

Why we're pumped about California Gnatcatchers

Why we're pumped about California Gnatcatchers

It's an important and just plain cool bird, and we are so glad the California Gnatcatcher is remaining a protected species.

Groups call on state to use new Salton Sea MOU as a launching point for on-the-ground projects
Salton Sea

Groups call on state to use new Salton Sea MOU as a launching point for on-the-ground projects

— State and feds agree to protect the Salton Sea
Legislature's passage of Senate Bill 32 protects the health of people and birds

Passage of SB 32 safeguards health of people and birds

— Extension of California's landmark climate change law extends the state's leadership in this vital area.
Pasadena Audubon's Young Birders Club recognized by U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Pasadena Audubon's Young Birders Club recognized by U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Federal agency commends youths for efforts to spread the word about the endangered California Condor.

Press Center

Audubon California statement regarding proposed use of state cap-and-trade revenue

— Funding reinforces value of natural and working lands in helping the state meet its global greenhouse gas emission reduction goals.
Andrea Jones is fighting for the Salton Sea

Andrea Jones is fighting for the Salton Sea

Audubon California’s Director of Bird Conservation is finding a little help from her friends.

Running on sunshine

Running on sunshine

Debs Park Center hosts solar installation and maintenance workshop

How you can help, right now