
Bill to require nonlead ammunition for hunting moving to Assembly Appropriations Committee May 8: You can help

Important legislation aimed at removing toxic lead from the environment advances to the Assembly Appropriations Committee this Wednesday, May 8. If you live in the district of someone on that Committee, please use the link below to send him or her an email asking for a YES vote on AB 711. Here’s a list of the Assembly members on the committee. If you’re representative is on the list, please send him or her an email in support of AB 711:

  • Gatto (43rd District)
  • Harkey (73rd District)
  • Bigelow (5th District)
  • Bocanegra (39th District)
  • Bradford (62nd District)
  • Calderon (57th District)
  • Campos (27th District)
  • Donnelly (33rd District)
  • Eggman (13th District)
  • Gomez (51st District)
  • Hall (64th District)
  • Holden (41st District)
  • Linder (60th District)
  • Pan (9th District)
  • Quirk (20th District)
  • Wagner (68th District)
  • Weber (79th District)

You only use this link of your Assembly member is on the above list. If so, please send your email now.

How you can help, right now