
Birds of the Week report from Starr Ranch

Jennifer Wilcox sends us regular updates from the bird-banding program at the Audubon Starr Ranch Sanctuary in Orange County. Here's her latest (photo of Band-tailed Pigeon by Tom Sheffield):

It felt like summer this week at Starr Ranch and the with the warm winds came a few surprises.  Our third MoSI banding pulse began on Thursday, January 17th.  Birds were scarce as the very high winds kept them hunkered down.  We only opened half of our nets to avoid injuries since high winds can be disadvantageous to little songbirds.  But even despite the fact that we processed only 5 birds, one of them was interesting enough to make-up for the lack in action.  Around 10 AM we detangled a California Towhee with a very strange band on its leg.  The USGS aluminum bands we presently use have a 9-digit code - this one had only 8 digits.  I checked our records this morning and discovered that the bird had, in fact, been banded at Starr Ranch, but the reason the band looked so strange was due to the fact that it was eight years old!  This California Towhee was banded as a hatch-year bird on September 13th, 2005.  It was recaptured in May of 2006 and hasn't been seen since.  The oldest California Towhee on record was 12 years and 10 months.  Not quite a record-breaker but none-the-less amazing!

This morning the winds were calmer and the trees were exploding with avian action.  We watched as a pair of Phainopeplas drove off a hungry flock of Cedar Waxwings from their highly prozed patches of mistletoe.  A pair of Scott's Orioles were heard singing from the tops of the sycamores, and at one point in the morning I thought I heard the distinctive "zzziiiiipp!" of a typically montane finch species, the Pine Siskin.  I was definitely a little weirded out and thought I was going crazy, but our guest, Ally Sheehy confirmed the presence of THREE Pine Siskins here at Starr Ranch.  A very cool bird indeed.  And last but not least, we banded a songster we only occasionally capture in our nets - a Chipping Sparrow.  Quite a week for birds!

See below for a complete list of the birds seen and heard this week:

Birds of the Week - January 18th, 2013

  1. California Quail
  2. Turkey Vulture
  3. Cooper's Hawk
  4. Red-shouldered Hawk
  5. Red-tailed Hawk
  6. Band-tailed Pigeon
  7. Mourning Dove
  8. Barn Owl
  9. Western Screech-Owl
  10. Great Horned Owl
  11. Anna's Hummingbird
  12. Acorn Woodpecker
  13. Nuttall's Woodpecker
  14. Northern Flicker (Red-shafted)
  15. American Kestrel
  16. Black Phoebe
  17. Say's Phoebe
  18. Western Scrub-Jay
  19. American Crow
  20. Common Raven
  21. Oak Titmouse
  22. Bushtit
  23. White-breasted Nuthatch
  24. Bewick's Wren
  25. Cactus Wren
  26. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
  27. CaliforniaGnatcatcher
  28. Ruby-crowned Kinglet
  29. Wrentit
  30. Hermit Thrush
  31. American Robin
  32. Northern Mockingbird
  33. CaliforniaThrasher
  34. European Starling
  35. Cedar Waxwing
  36. Phainopepla
  37. Orange-crowned Warbler (lutescens)
  38. Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon's)
  39. Spotted Towhee
  40. Rufous-crowned Sparrow
  41. CaliforniaTowhee
  42. Chipping Sparrow
  43. Song Sparrow
  44. White-crowned Sparrow
  45. Golden-crowned Sparrow
  46. Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon)
  47. Western Meadowlark
  48. Scott's Oriole
  49. House Finch
  50. Pine Siskin
  51. Lesser Goldfinch

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