As the largest body of water in California, the Salton Sea is a dynamic and vibrant wildlife area where you will find a variety of ecosystems and unexpected habitats. Indeed, more than a few wetlands and desert oases around the Sea act as refuges for a number of critical bird species.
Explore some of these different environments with the kiddos to give you some ideas for future excursions. The "At Home…" coloring pages feature a few feathered residents of the Salton Sea you may have heard of, and some you may not know yet, like the Ridgway's Rail and the Long-billed Curlew.
Color the birds as you see fit, or if you want to see what their plumage looks like, look at our online bird guide and search each bird by name. Art by Ryan Llamas, Audubon California's Salton Sea Program Associate.
Download the Coloring Sheets in Spanish and English.
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