
Seeking volunteer naturalists in the SF Bay Area

We are looking for people to teach children about birds at our Richardson Bay Audubon Center & Sanctuary.

Audubon’s Birds Volunteer Naturalists will:

  • Receive training once a week for 5 weeks to learn to lead programs, manage student groups, become familiar with program materials and understand Audubon’s mission.
  • Lead small groups of children on hour long school yard and neighborhood bird walks for K through 3rd grade students.
  • Lead hour long in-class bird focused education programs for Kindergarten through 3rd grade students.
  • Gather and set-up materials needed for school yard and neighborhood bird walks and in-class programs.
  • Lead Audubon’s Birds Center Field Trip programs. Field trips run 2 to 3 hours depending on grade.

This is a rare opportunity for a long-term volunteer position with Audubon California. For more information, please click here...


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