
Statewide poll shows overwhelming support for requiring non-lead ammunition in hunting

A recent statewide poll shows that California voters of both parties overwhelmingly support requiring non-lead ammunition for hunting by well over a 2:1 margin. These polling results were consistent across every major demographic segment of California voters. AB 711 (Rendon/Pan), a bill to implement this common-sense and popular idea to require the use of non-lead ammunition in hunting, was passed by the Assembly Committee on Water, Parks and Wildlife earlier this month and will be heard next by the Assembly Appropriations Committee. Below are a few other highlights from the survey:

  • California voters offer consistent support for proposals to limit the use of lead ammunition for hunting, with roughly two-thirds consistently in favor.
  • A majority of gun owners support limits on lead ammunition in hunting.
  • More than 3 in 5 voters support requiring non-lead ammunition for hunting in every region of the state.
  • Lead is just as serious a concern for voters as other prominent toxic substances like mercury and arsenic.

The polling results come on the heels of a scientific study released in March authored by 30 nationally renowned scientists in the field of lead poisoning, which found: “Lead-based ammunition is likely the greatest, largely unregulated source of lead knowingly discharged into the environment in the United States.”

Below please find a polling memo of key findings.

(graphic courtesy of Fairbanks, Maslin, Maullin, Metz & Associates)

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