
Two energy propositions to go before the voters in November

Today's Sacramento Bee includes a good article about the two ballot measures on the November ballot that deal with energy. Proposition 7 would mandate higher renewable portfolio standards for utilities--aiming primarily at solar. While the motives of the measure sound good it is encountering significant resistance from both utilities and environmental groups including CA League of Conservation Voters and NRDC.  Their position is that the amount of renewable energy mandated by the measure is simply too high to reach.

Proposition 10 is a $5 billion bond act...this one backed primarily by T. Boone Pickens. It would establish a rebate program for "ecofriendly" vehicle purchase, further incentivize wind and promote natural gas as a transportation fuel. Apparently it does not define such vehicles in a way that would be inclusive of current hybrid technology. We are not seeing any major endorsement action, but many of the web stories we are seeing indicate it's ripe for criticism.

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