
Waking up to the calls of Black Oystercatchers

Guest post by Casey Skinner

Education and Engagement Manager for Richardson Bay Audubon Center & Sanctuary

One of the more unforgettable moments for the Richardson Bay Audubon Center & Sanctuary Audubon Youth Leaders was this weekend's visit to Slide Ranch. Slide Ranch is located on the Marin coast and provides visitors a chance to experience the daily challenges and rewards of a working farm.

Audubon Youth Leaders spent two days camping on a beautiful ocean side bluff located on the Ranch's property. Instead of an alarm clock, the group was woken up each morning by noisy Black Oystercatchers talking to each other in the cliffs below.

The teens learned how to set up tents, cook, milk goats, feed chickens, and all the other intricacies required to run a small organic farm. As special challenge, everyone had FRESH goat milk squirted in their mouth directly from a goat's teat!

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