
Watch out, Swainson's Hawks

Couldn't help but flag this listserv post the East Bay Birds board last night from Dominik Mosur: "While driving back from a morning of birding San Joaquin County I spotted a Dark-morph SWAINSON'S HAWK flying over HWY 580 just west of the sign for Altamont Pass. This was around 1:45 p.m. Nice to see one in Alameda County after seeing many in the valley. Hope it stayed away from the wind turbines." Indeed, Altamont Pass has been a hazard to raptors and other birds ever since it opened, logging one of the worst records in the country for wind farm bird fatalities. Thankfully, a group of Audubon chapters has been on the case for some time. Let's hope that Swainson's the Dominik saw is OK, and let's hope that Altamont soon ends its sad legacy for birds. (photo by USFWS)

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