
Is a Water Bond in California's Future?

Audubon CA continues to participate in discussions dealing with placing a major water resources bond on the November ballot. A big question is whether or not a comprehensive water bond will actually qualify for a vote. The most significant water bond effort currently is a joint proposal by Senator Feinstein and Gov. Schwarzenegger that would generate $9.3B to fund a variety of restoration, reclamation and water supply features around the state. While the measure includes numerous investments that make great sense for conservation it also includes $3B for “water storage projects to improve state water system operations and provide net improvement in ecosystem and water quality conditions”  …in other words, dams and a possible delta conveyance. Dams remain a major issue of contention for the environmental community. The delta conveyance issue however is now being seen in a slightly different light due to the release of findings from a panel that included two distinguished scientists concluding that a delta conveyance is necessary for the long term ecological health of the delta. The controversy over the delta and new dams is still intense. Many believe it is more likely that the Feinstein/Schwarzenegger bond will not qualify for the ballot due to the dam controversy, the lack of time to fashion a durable compromise between Republicans and Democrats and the ongoing budget deadlock. If it does not qualify then we can count on water dominating the conservation agenda in Sacramento in 2009.

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