
WINNER of Alaska 2014 Bird of the Year!

The feathers have been flying furiously the last few days, but we now have a winner of the 2014 Alaska Bird of the Year election! The winner is (cue the bugling of Sandhill Cranes)...

The long-distance migration world-champion the Bar-tailed Godwit! Starting with a strong lead, the Bar-tailed Godwit managed to keep just a wingspan ahead of the rest, winning 46% of the vote.

The Short-tailed Albatross made a heroic sprint for the finish, ending as the runner up with 42% of the votes.

The Lesser Yellowlegs remained the underdog, but kicked up its supporters to 12%. Better get some sprint training in for the next race!

Many thanks to everyone who participated in the voting! We can't wait to see the fabulous artwork that will feature this incredible bird that you picked.

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