
A year in newsletter art

It's been another great year of Audubon California enewsletter art. Here's a look back:

January: Sandpiper, Cathy Daniel. Acrylic.

February: Gull, Christine Petersen. Monochrome.

March: Juvenile Common Murre, Leonna M.

April: Great Blue Heron, Pen and ink, Stephen Weston.

May: Snowy Egrets in Bodega Bay, Oil Paint. Colleen Caubin.

June: Osprey, Graphite. Jennifer Bates.

July: Red-necked Pharalope, Colored pencil. Matthew Doder.

August: Turkey Vulture, Watercolor. Lucy Cain Sargeant.

September: California Quail, detail from cover art by Anna Saccheri for California band The Corner Laughers.

October: Steller's Jay, Joshua Coffy. Find him at and

November: Western Bluebird, Nicole Shuman. Find her at

December: Wilson's Warbler, Leena Khanzode.

Remember you can submit your work by emailing a JPEG or TIFF that is at least 600 pixels wide to auduboncalifornia[at]audubon[dot]com.

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