
Results of today's Flashbird

Wow, that was interesting.  We put the call out around noon through our social media asking people to go outside and look for birds, and report back to us what they saw. And you saw a lot of birds. We got upwards of 100 responses, and more than 160 individual birds. Nice to see the Black Phoebes so well represented, as well as the Anna's Hummingbirds, Dark-eyed Juncos, and Lesser Goldfinches. Really, overall, a tremendous list, and a testiment to the amazing birds one can see in places throughout California. Thanks for taking part. Be sure to check out the complete list of birds below. (Anna's Hummingbird photo by Peter LaTourrette)

Allen’s Hummingbird, Woodland Hills

American Crow

Anna’s hummingbird

anna’s hummingbirds

Anna's Hummingbird

Anna's Hummingbird

Anna's hummingbird

Anna's Hummingbird, San Diego

Anna's Hummingbird.

Anna's Hummingbirds, Salinas

Bewick’s Wren, Owens Lake

Bewick's wren, Woodland Hills

black phoebe

Black Phoebe

Black Phoebe, Cal State Northridge

Black Phoebe, Calabasas, CA.

black phoebe, Grass Valley

Black phoebe, Woodland Hills

Black Phoebe

Yellow-Rumped Warbler

Bonaparte's Gull, San Dimas

California Towhee

California Towhee, Woodland Hills

cedar waxwing

cedar waxwing.

cedar waxwings

cedar waxwings

Chestnut-backed Chickadee, Los Gatos


Common Raven, Barstow

Cooper’s Hawk, Cal State Northridge

Coopers Hawk, On my patio at home, He was eyeing my parakeets!


Cornish Game Hen




Crow, Cal State Northridge


Dark eyed Junco, Parking lot in Santa Cruz, CA, One of my favorite little birds!

Dark-eyed Junco

Dark-eyed junco

Dark-eyed Junco, Kings Mountain, Woodside, CA, It is raining.

dark-eyed junco, Oakland

dark-eyed Junco, Santa Cruz

Double-crested Cormorant, San Dimas



downey wdpecker, Grass Valley

downey woodpecker, Grass Valley

Easter Egger




Golden-crowned Sparrow

Golden-crowned Sparrow, Los Gatos


Goldfinch, El Dorado Hills


House Finch

house finch

house finch

house finch,

House Finch, Los Gatos

House Finches

house finches, El Dorado Hills

house finches, Sacramento

House Finches, Sacramento, raining

House Finches, Santa Rosa

house sparrow

Hummingbird (Anna’s or Allen’s)

Jay Nuthatch



junco, Grass Valley

Junco, Santa Rosa

Kingbird, Santa Cruz.

lesser finches, Yosemite

Lesser Goldfinch

lesser goldfinch,

Lesser Goldfinch, Cal State Northridge

lesser goldfinch, Grass Valley

Lesser Goldfinch, San Diego

lesser goldfinches, lompoc

Lesser Scaup, San Dimas


Merganser pair, Petaluma

Mergansers, Cache Creek

Mille Fleur D'Uccle

Mockingbird, Ventura CA, glad he's back enjoying the sun


Mourning Dove

Mourning Dove, Cal State Northridge

Mourning doves

Mourning doves, Sacramento

No birds, Ben Lomond

northern flicker, Sacramento

Northern Mocking Birds, Salinas Ca

Northern Mockingbird

Northern Mockingbird, Modesto

Northern Mockingbird, Redwood City

Northern Mockingbird, Tulare


nuthatch, Davis

nuthatch, Grass Valley

nuthatch, Grass Valley


Nuttall's woodpecker

Oak titmouse

Oak Titmouse, Chico

Oak Titmouse, Los Gatos

oak titmouse, mockingbird

Old English Game Hen

One mallard and a few coots!

Orange-crowned warbler, Riverside County


Pygmy Nuthatche, Aptos

Red-bellied Sapsucker

Red-bellied Sapsucker, Occidental, CA, quite rainy, usually lots of birds out

Red-breasted Nuthatch

red-shouldered hawk, Grass Valley

Red-tailed Hawk, San Dimas, CA.

Red-throated Grey

Robins, lots of them

Robins, Petaluma

Rock Pigeon, Downtown, Los Angeles

scrub jay

scrub Jay

Scrub jay, Woodland Hills

Scrub jays


Sharp-shinned Hawk, Yosemite

Sicillian Buttercup

song sparrow



Sparrows, Santa Rosa

Sparrows, Santa Rosa

spotted towhee

spotted towhee, Grass Valley

Stellar’s jay

Stellar’s Jay

steller jay, Grass Valley


Titmouse, El Dorado Hills.

titmouse, Sacramento


towhee, Sacramento

Western Gull, Outside Audubon California’s Emeryville office

white crown

White Crowned Sparrow

white crowned sparrow, Grass Valley

white crowns, El Dorado Hills

White Leghorn lol!

White pelican

white-crowned sparrow

White-crowned sparrow

White-crowned Sparrows

white-crowned sparrows

White-crowned Sparrows

White-tailed Kite, San Dimas

Yellow Finch

Yellow Finch

Yellow-billed Magpie

Yellow-billed Magpie.

Yellow-rumped Warbler, San Diego

yellow-rumped warbler

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