
eBird: a great tool for tracking spring migration

If you've been reading our coverage of spring migration over the last few weeks, you have certainly seen some of the terrific maps that we've generated from eBird showing bird sightings, both current and past. Well, the maps are only part of the story. If you're a dedicated birder, you've probably heard of eBird before. If you haven't, you should get into it now. Through a partnership with the eBird folks, Audubon California created a special portal strictly for California that includes news related to California birds, as well as access to maps and data specific to Audubon Important Bird Areas in California. There's so much cool stuff in there, we won't even try to describe it all here. Just go look and explore for yourself -- the maps, the data charts, the news. But probably best of all is the opportunity to log your sightings and see what others are seeing around you. When you log your sightings, you contribute to a vast database of information that scientists and conservationists can use to find ways to better protect the birds that we're all seeing. Give it a minute and soon you'll be pulling up maps like this one for Rufous Hummingbirds below:


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