
Pacific-slope Flycatcher arriving

We’re starting to see a lot of sightings of the Pacific-slope Flycatcher pop up on the various birding listservs, and thought we’d make note of its return to California this spring. Formerly called the Western Flycatcher (before that species was split between the Pacific-slope Flycatcher and the Cordilleran Flycatcher), the bird is commonly found along the west coast of the continent. It winters down in Mexico and Baja, and breeds all along a narrow swath of coastline between Alaska and Baja. While certainly not the most spectacular looking of all the flycatchers, it is a fun little bird in that it will build a nest wherever it wants – your doorway, in your garage, wherever. If you want to see how their migration looks on the eBird maps, here's one from February, and another from today. Here's some video we found:

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