
Sorry New Hampshire, but these finches know California is where it's at

(Photo of Purple Finch by Cephas/Wikimedia Commons) The Purple Finch may be the official state bird of New Hampshire, but these spring migrants still enjoying the California sunshine before they head to Canada. These pudgy birds love to crack open black oil sunflower seeds with their powerful beaks, so keep your feeders full for a chance to see these guys. The males are a dazzling pink color, sure to brighten up any backyard birder's garden. Purple Finches and House Finches may look alike but they don't get along and are often in competition for the same habitat, with the Purple Finches ceding to the House 95% of the time.

In case you need help distinguishing between the House Finch and the Purple Finch, Bob Moul has put together a good guide on his website.

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