
Green birds of California

In honor of St. Paddy's Day, we've compiled a list of some of our favorite green-hued California birds. Please share yours in the comments.

Violet-green Swallow

Where to see them: Breeds from Alaska east to South Dakota, south to southern California and Texas.

Green-tailed Towhee

Where to see them: Breeds from central Oregon south through mountains to southern California and Great Basin to southeastern New Mexico.

Anna's Hummingbird

Where to see them: Resident from northern California southward.


Where to see them: Breeds from Alaska and Quebec south to southern California, Virginia, Texas, and northern Mexico.

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Where to see them: Breeds from Alaska east across Canada to Newfoundland, south to southern California and New Mexico in West, and to Great Lakes region and northern New England in East.

Pacific-slope Flycatcher

Where to see them: Breeds from Alaska south along coast to Baja California.

Hutton's Vireo

Where to see them: Resident in southwestern British Columbia south to southern California, central Arizona, southwestern New Mexico, and western Texas.

Green-winged Teal 

Where to see them: Breeds in northern Alaska, Manitoba, and Quebec south to California, Colorado, Nebraska, and New York.


Photos (in order) by: IrishFireside, Don Loarie, Roger Shaw, Richard Griffin, Sergey Yeliseev, Jeff Whitlock, Maggie Smith,  Seabamirum, Matt Lee

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