
Audubon Starr Ranch Great Horned Owl + Barn Owl Banding

WHEN: Saturday, April 11, 2015. 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM

WHERE: Audubon Starr Ranch -- Trabuco Canyon, California

COST: $100/person

Great Horned Owls and Barn Owls are two of eleven species of raptors that nest on Starr Ranch. Among other nests, this year we have Great Horned Owls using an old Red-shouldered Hawk nest and Barn Owls using a box we put up, both along our access road. At Starr Ranch we routinely put numbered bands on all species of birds to monitor longevity, dispersal and other factors. The chicks in both nests will be ready to band on April 11. We also will have an adult Great Horned Owl or Western Screech Owl at the event on loan from the Orange County Bird of Prey Center.

Lunch will be provided and the schedule of events is as follows. All times are approximate except the start time so please arrive promptly.

11:30 - Intro to Starr Ranch and a discussion about owls and their biology with a live rehab adult owl (see above).

12:00 - Lunch

12:30 - Walk to Barn Owl box (~1/4 mile) and band chicks. Walk to Great Horned Owl tree (~1/4 mile) and band chicks (transportaion can be provided for those who may have difficulty walking)

2:00 - Wrap up.

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