
Feds deny protections for Bi-state Distinct Population Segment of Greater Sage-Grouse

Thank you to those of you who added your voice to the fight for Endangered Species Act protections for the for Bi-state Distinct Population Segment of Greater Sage-Grouse. Sadly, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service decided today to remove protections from this species.

While we applaud the Department of the Interior for stepping up to help this bird by funding collaborative habitat projects, we are deeply disappointed in the Service's decision today. Partnerships are no substitute for ESA protections which are warranted.

It may be easy to be overwhelmed by today’s decision, but we find resilience in the great work our advocates are doing on the ground to save this species. Eastern Sierra Audubon Society with Eastern Sierra Land Trust are two of the few conservation organizations working in this remote area and they are doing wonderful things like amending fencing to protect Sage Grouse on private property. Learn more about this program in the below video:

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