California chapters working on renewable energy siting stormed our nation's capitol to talk about efforts to gut Endangered Species Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. Above is our Renewable Energy Director Garry George and Rebecca Schwartz of San Diego Audubon. Their warm but pleasant afternoon on the Hill was punctuated with some unexpected bird sightings that the group entered into eBird. They saw a nuthatch, a Brown Thrasher, and a Sharp-shinned Hawk among others. Garry George almost missed his flight because the Audubon California group spent 45 minutes with Senator Feinstein's staff -- an almost impossible amount of time for a lobbying meeting to last.
Also representing our great state were Shani Kleinhaus of Santa Clara Valley Audubon, Dave Weeshoff of San Fernando Valley Audubon, and Audubon California's SoCal Chapter Network Manager Travis Abeyta and GIS Analyst Katie Krieger.
By Daniela Ogden
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