California Important Bird Areas Acknowledgements
We would like to thank David Yun, GIS Supervisor at the City of San Luis Obispo and lecturer at California Polytechnic State University for his invaluable enthusiasm, expertise, and advice from the beginning of this project in 2006. This project would not have been possible without David’s commitment. David’s students Sarah Bailey, Melinda Elster, Jackie Hancock, Ninah Hartley, Kerri Johnson, Meghan Jerolaman, Tony Kochis and Julie Messer contributed many hours towards developing methodology and drafting IBA maps IBAs through their GIS coursework and senior thesis projects.
The following Audubon staff provided key contributions towards this project: Andrea Jones, IBA Program Director, oversaw the project since its inception in 2006; Mike Perlmutter, Bay Area Conservation Coordinator, created maps and updated text and data for San Francisco Bay Area IBAs; Bill Monahan, GIS Senior Scientist, provided GIS and database expertise throughout the project; Karen Velas, IBA Program Assistant, spent countless hours editing and refining maps and data; interns Melinda Elster and Julie Messer worked tirelessly in GIS creating maps; Gary Langham, Director of Bird Conservation, and Graham Chisholm, Director of Conservation, provided logistical and moral support throughout the project; and Garrison Frost, Marketing and Communications Director, produced public materials for this project.
Multiple other Audubon California staffed contributed time towards a variety of aspects of the review and production of the 2008 Important Bird Area maps and site summaries, including: Pete DeSimone, Marilee Enge, Jon Feenstra, Garry George, Rodd Kelsey, Glenn Olson, Vance Russell, Ali Sheehey, Justin Shew, Dan Taylor, Scott Thomas, Reed Tollefson, and Kerry Wilcox.
In 2007, a review and updating of the 2004 IBA site descriptions and production of maps was undertaken by Audubon California. Many Audubon chapters and bird clubs throughout California contributed their knowledge and expertise to this project, and in particular, the following individuals are thanked: Ken Able, William Amundsen, Bob Barnes, Alan Barron, Bob Battagin, Ted Beedy, Murray Berner, Becky Bowen, Donna Bray, Brenda Burnett, Betty Burridge, Eric Caine, Susan Calla, Charlie Collins, Carole Combs, Chris Conard, Evelyn Cormier, Al Demartini, Bruce Deuel, Ryan DiGaudio, Tom Edell, Jim Edgar, Leo Edson, Claude Edwards, Sara Estrella, Susan Euing, Leora Feeney, Jon Feenstra, Lisa Fimiani, Sam Fitton, Scott Frazer, John Fulton, Jim Gain, Dawn Garcia, Kimball Garret, Jesse Grantham, Jim Greaves, Steve Hampton, Rob Hansen, Cheryl Harris, Laurie Harvey, Jo Heindel, Tom Heindel, Diane Hichwa, Scott Huber, Sue Johnson, Darrel Jury, Bobby Kamansky, Kathy Keane, David Kisner, Steve Laymon, David LeLange, Robin Leong, Len Liu, John Lockhart, Mickey Long, John Luther, Tom Maloney, Tim Manolis, Chris McCreedy, Paul McFarland, Robert McKernan, Peter Metropulos, Bartshe Miller, Barbara Moore, Darca Morgan, Chet Ogan, Elizabeth Palmer, Debby Parker, Mary Parsell, Hans Peeters, Jim Peugh, Ken Poerner, Bob Power, Mike Prather, Phil Pryde, Chris Redfern, Harold Reeve, Don Roberson, Dan Robinette, Mike Rogers, John Roser, Tom Ryan, Eli Saddler, Salvatore Salerno, Barbara Salzman, Larry Saslaw, Al Schmierer, Jeff Seay, Kathy Sharum, Karen Shihadeh, Christy Smith, Greg Smith, Reed Smith, Gary Strachan, Brian Sullivan, Jan Surbey, Lowell Sykes, Tam Taaffe, Scott Thomas, Dorothy Tobkin, Francis Toldi, John Trochet, Marilyn Waits, Rich Walkling, Pete Warzybok, Noreen Weeden, Liz West, Mike White, Pat Williams, Rachel Wolstenholme, Gary Woods, and Bob Yutzy.
Dan Cooper is thanked for compiling the original IBA site descriptions and authoring Important Bird Areas of California, published by Audubon California in 2004.
A large group of birders and field ornithologists provided data and expertise towards the compilation and publication of Important Bird Areas of California in 2004. We thank: Robert Allen Bob Barnes, Alan Barron, Ted Beedy, William Bousman, Beverly Brock, Ken Brunges, Betty Burridge, Luke Cole, Dave Compton, Bruce Deuel, Tom Edell, Sam Fitton, David Fix, Kimball Garrett, Jim Gain, Steve Glover, Robb Hamilton, Steve Hampton, Tom and Jo Heindel, Waldo Holt, John Hunter, Paul Jorgensen, Jeri Langham, Joan Lentz, Robin Leong, Ron LeValley, David Lukas, Chet McGaugh, Robert L. McKernan, Dan Murphy, Steve Myers, Ed Pandolfino, Don Roberson, Michael Rogers, Bob Schieferstein, Steve Schubert, Alison Sheehey, David Shuford, Robin Smith, John Sterling, Emilie Strauss, David Suddjian, Dorothy Tobkin, Phil Unitt, Ken Weaver, Walter Wehtje, David Yee, and Bob Yutzy. In addition, an informal IBA Advisory Board was comprised of Bruce Deuel (California Dept. of Fish and Game), Richard Erickson (LSA and Associates), Sam Fitton (Bureau of Land Management), John Luther (Alameda College), Don Roberson (Monterey Peninsula Audubon Society), David Shuford (Point Reyes Bird Observatory), and John Sterling (Jones and Stokes and Associates).
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