White-breasted Nuthatch Boxes
The White-breasted Nuthatch is a common bird on California lands. It is a good indicator if your property already attracts chickadees and titmice that the place will also attract Nuthatches. Their quirky personalities will provide endless entertainment if you are lucky enough to attract them.
Site Selection
Place your box in a open area near the edge of a forest, cropland, or water source.
Building Specifications
- The floor-space should be 4" x 4"
- The depth should be 6" - 8"
- The entrance should be 1 1/4" - 1/2"
- The entrance should stand 1" - 6" from the floor
- It should stand 6" - 10" from the ground
What to do when the box becomes occupied
Female Nuthatches build the nest without assistance from their mate. They line the box with soft bits of bark, dirt and matted fur. The nest is cup shape and composed of grass, feathers and other soft pieces of material. 5 -8 eggs is typical for a clutch. The eggs are incubated for 13 - 14 days and young will fledge around 11 days later.
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