Given the great ramifications for seabirds in the ongoing discussions about how to implement the state’s Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA), it is vital that we speak up on their behalf. The MLPA was written to reverse the precipitous decline of nearshore fish stocks, especially rockfish, and protect the entire ecosystem for the long term. But other voices are advocating for using the MLPA in ways that don't benefit nature, and we need to counter those positions.
The MLPA is enhancing seabird protection in California in two important ways. First, it creates marine no-take or limited-take reserves to help re-build stocks of rockfish, the preferred prey of many nearshore feeders. And second, it designates year-round special closures to reduce or eliminate disturbance at important breeding and roosting islands and rocks, and foraging areas.
Of the five "study areas" covering the whole coast, only one, the South Central Coast, is completed and being enforced. That leaves four other study areas - the rest of our coast - that are in play. We need more voices for birds, fish and habitats - in letters and in person at hearings - to provide counterweight to the more numerous voices representing recreational and commercial fisheries. After all, the MLPA represents the voice of the people demanding better protection for our marine heritage.
Some things we can do:
1. Write brief letters to the Fish and Game Commission advocating for the
highest possible level of protection for marine birds, other top predators and
the whole ecosystem.
For example, right now you can write a letter to the California Fish & Game Commission supporting the adoption of the Integrated Preferred Alternative (IPA) for the North Central Coast. The Commission is allowed to make changes before adopting, including changes to the hard-won Special Closures for seabirds and marine mammals. We want them to adopt the IPA the way it is.
Here is a map of the IPA for the North Central Coast:
Here is a link to the Special Closure map:
2. Show up at hearings and speak for three minutes on why seabird and other
waterbird conservation is important to you and the State. (There is a hearing in
Sacramento on December 12.)
3. Tell others in your Chapter about the MLPA and how important citizen
advocacy is to the process.
By Garrison Frost
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