Press Room

Audubon California is one of the leading voices for birds and conservation in the Golden State, and a resource for members of the media looking for information on topics such as birds, habitat conservation, climate change, wildlife policy, and a variety of related issues. Representatives of our organization appear in the press regularly and are happy to share their expertise.

To speak to an Audubon California expert, contact our Communications Department:

Shineh Rhee
Communications Director

Press releases

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Decision on Bi-state Distinct Population Segment of Greater Sage-Grouse is Cause for Concern
Press Center

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Decision on Bi-state Distinct Population Segment of Greater Sage-Grouse is Cause for Concern

— One of North America’s most fascinating and threatened birds needs continued protection
Endangered Species Act protections should be given to Bi-State Distinct Population Segment of Greater Sage-Grouse
Press Center

Endangered Species Act protections should be given to Bi-State Distinct Population Segment of Greater Sage-Grouse

— One of North America’s most fascinating and threatened birds deserve protection
“Mystery Goo” bill passes first legislative hurdle
Press Center

“Mystery Goo” bill passes first legislative hurdle

— Senate Bill 718 will protect marine wildlife from non-oil spills like the one that killed hundreds of birds in January in San Francisco Bay.
Press Center

Los Angeles once again leads in nationwide birding event

— County leads country in Great Backyard Bird Count participation
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Bird enthusiasts across California ready for annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count

— World’s longest-running wildlife census provides rich information on how birds are responding to global warming, drought and other threats.
California Fish and Game Commission votes in favor of emergency listing for Tricolored Blackbird
Press Center

California Fish and Game Commission votes in favor of emergency listing for Tricolored Blackbird

— Audubon California supports decision to protect rare bird, which has declined 44 percent since 2011