Press Room

Audubon California is one of the leading voices for birds and conservation in the Golden State, and a resource for members of the media looking for information on topics such as birds, habitat conservation, climate change, wildlife policy, and a variety of related issues. Representatives of our organization appear in the press regularly and are happy to share their expertise.

To speak to an Audubon California expert, contact our Communications Department:

Shineh Rhee
Communications Director

Press releases

Press Center

Potential amendments to Feinstein drought bill would create disaster for Central Valley birds and wildlife

— Audubon California urges Feinstein to hold fast against those who would take water away from wildlife refuges, and suspend Endangered Species Act and San Joaquin River Restoration.
Press Center

Allocation for wildlife refuges in Governor’s May Revise is a step in the right direction for birds

— Infrastructure improvements at refuges will ease access to water
Press Center

Audubon California displeased by Coastal Commission’s ruling on Monterey Shores Eco-resort

— Tragic day for threatened Western Snowy Plovers
Threatened bird’s nest found in the site proposed for the  Monterey Bay Shores Resort
Press Center

Threatened bird’s nest found in the site proposed for the Monterey Bay Shores Resort

— Audubon California opposes project located in a 15 mile stretch of Western Snowy Plover critical habitat
Press Center

Water for wildlife refuges imperiled in 2014 water bond discussions

— Audubon contends that leaving water out of bond could spell ecological disaster
Press Center

Bill from state legislative leaders is a balanced step in the right direction on California drought

— Bill backed by Senate Leader pro tem Darrell Steinberg and Assembly Speaker John Pérez addresses human toll of drought, as well as issues around bird habitat.