Who will take the title: California Coastal Gnatcatcher, California Scrub Jay, Double-crested Cormorant, Eared Grebe, Northern Spotted Owl, or the Western Sandpiper? Cast your vote by clicking on the link below. Vote as many times as you like through Dec. 16.
We encourage you to vote yes on Prop. 67 on the Nov. 8 statewide ballot.
A primer to wildlife-friendly renewable energy in California in 3 graphics
The earth's energy can help fight climate and revitalize the Salton Sea area.
The plan, also known as DRECP, will protect our deserts while fighting against climate change.
While some wind farms have earned a bad rep, wind energy can be sited to greatly minimize threats to birds.
From rooftop panels to concentrated towers, there's more to solar than you might guess.
Our electricity grid is in need of upgrades to fully support renewable energy.