
Latest News and Updates from Audubon in California

California Condor. Photo: Scott Frier/USFWS

Tricolored Blackbird breeding ramping up fast
Tricolored Blackbird

Tricolored Blackbird breeding ramping up fast

More colonies, more nests.

Bill defending California’s migratory birds passes key Assembly Committee

Bill defending California’s migratory birds passes key Assembly Committee

— Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee passes Assembly Bill 454, which protects California birds in the face of federal rollbacks.
Coming together for people and birds along the L.A. River

Coming together for people and birds along the L.A. River

Restoration of native plants at pocket parks along historic waterway offers a chance for community involvement.

Feds aiming to prevent CA from blocking new offshore oil drilling

The Los Angeles Times is reporting that the Trump Administration is moving to restrict the ability of coastal states like California to block new offshore oil drilling in federal waters:

In a notice published earlier this month, the Commerce Department’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration asked the public to weigh in on ways to “streamline” a state review process granted under the Coastal Zone Management Act.

The 1972 law is widely considered one of the most powerful tools states have to regulate activity off their coasts. It applies to all of the coastal and Great Lakes states, with the exception of Alaska.

The act gives states a voice when federal projects or industry development affect their coast, even activities that occur outside a state’s jurisdiction, which extends three miles from the coast.

Eyes On the Sea hits the Salton Sea shoreline. Audubon California recently launched a new program that provides opportunities for local youth to monitor birds at the Salton Sea. This is the terrific group from Indio High School this morning.

Audubon California supports bills to reduce single-use plastic waste

Audubon California supports bills to reduce single-use plastic waste

Senate Bill 54 and Assembly Bill 1080 will set goals to reduce waste from single-use packaging and products and ensure the remaining items are effectively recycled.

Major conservation bill is a huge boon to desert birds

Major conservation bill is a huge boon to desert birds

Thirteen Audubon Important Bird Areas included in California Desert Protection and Recreation Act of 2019

Tricolored Blackbird breeding season is off and running

Audubon California's Xerónimo Castañeda talks about the beginning of the 2019 Tricolored Blackbird breeding season. He even talks about finding his first found colony of the season. This is an important time for the Tricolored Blackbird, as it is now listed as Threatened under the California Endangered Species Act. That said, we still need to identify the colonies and do everything we can to protect them. Learn more about our efforts to save this terrific bird here.

Op-ed: Now is California's chance to save the Salton Sea

In today's Desert Sun, Audubon California's Frank Ruiz urges the state to take advantage of the opportunity and finally do right by the Salton Sea.

A key quote:

This year brings a new governor and new administration leaders to this effort. This should be a defining year for the Salton Sea — a time when we as Californians can decide what kind of future we want for this unique place.

Audubon California’s message to Salton Sea policymakers: Don’t blow it
Press Center

Audubon California’s message to Salton Sea policymakers: Don’t blow it

— Representatives point out that the state and key stakeholders are poised to make up for lost time on one of the state’s most intractable environmental issues.

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