
Latest News and Updates from Audubon in California

California Condor. Photo: Scott Frier/USFWS

CA Assembly Bill 828 Protects Vulnerable Communities’ Drinking Water & California’s Remaining Managed Wetlands

CA Assembly Bill 828 Protects Vulnerable Communities’ Drinking Water & California’s Remaining Managed Wetlands

Ensuring SGMA Doesn’t Leave Small Community Water Systems & Critical Wetlands High and Dry

Chuckwalla National Monument
Public Lands

Chuckwalla National Monument

Protecting California's stunning desert landscapes

Audubon Receives Grant to Continue Restoration of Unique San Diego County Wetlands
Press Center

Audubon Receives Grant to Continue Restoration of Unique San Diego County Wetlands

— The community-driven effort brings together local students, indigenous tribes, scientists, and others to protect and improve vital habitat
In 2024, Governor Newsom Continues to Cut Climate Investments

In 2024, Governor Newsom Continues to Cut Climate Investments

Underscoring Need for a Climate Bond

Intermountain West Shorebird Survey: Preliminary Results Indicate 250,000 Migratory Shorebirds at the Salton Sea
Salton Sea

Intermountain West Shorebird Survey: Preliminary Results Indicate 250,000 Migratory Shorebirds at the Salton Sea

Conservation investments at the Salton Sea must embrace a holistic approach, considering the well-being of all waterbirds, including shorebirds.

Meet Xerónimo Castañeda
Working Lands

Meet Xerónimo Castañeda

Audubon California's new Working Lands Program Director has a long history in conservation and avian biology

Gratitude for Marine Sanctuary Advocates!

Gratitude for Marine Sanctuary Advocates!

A warm and sincere thank you to everyone who played a crucial role in advocating for the protection of the Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary along the Pacific Coast.

Navigating Drought: Understanding Shorebird Impacts Through the Migratory Bird Conservation Partnership's Research

Navigating Drought: Understanding Shorebird Impacts Through the Migratory Bird Conservation Partnership's Research

Drought conditions significantly impact winter landscapes by restricting water availability. In drier years, water restrictions lead to reduced habitat for birds, especially shorebirds.

Twenty Years On, Historic Water Deal Still Fails to Deliver for Salton Sea

Twenty Years On, Historic Water Deal Still Fails to Deliver for Salton Sea

— Green heron at the Salton Sea
Audubon Celebrates Legislation to Create New California Desert National Monument
Public Lands

Audubon Celebrates Legislation to Create New California Desert National Monument

— Chuckwalla National Monument would protect 660,000 acres of sacred and historic sites, wildlife habitat

How you can help, right now